Student Life
Math Team
Team Details
Math Team usually takes place during the fourth quarter of the school year.
The annual intramural math competition is held at Pearl City Highlands Intermediate School.
Students compete in a 4 part competition which includes:
Hurdles, consisting of problems ranging from Multiplication, Division, Addition and Subtraction problems, and is judged on speed and accuracy.
Cross Country, for those who are good with word problems and can handle the use of critical thinking skills.
50 Yard Dash, for those with strong fact fluency who are quick with their recall.
The Mile Run, which includes a combination of all three phases.
The last competition is a 3D Tic Tac Toe competition that everyone competes in. They also have a speed buzzer round that is not counted within the scoring of the competition. A Rubik's Cube Challenge has also been featured at the competition in the past as well.
The Competition is a fun and exciting time for the students who are competing.
We hope to see more inspired students to try out for the Math Team and compete in the Pearl City Complex Area Competition.
Staff Advisors
Mr. Tashiro
Mr. Kashiwa
Mrs. Yasui