About Us
School Safety
"Peanut / Nut Free" School
We have students on our campus who are highly allergic to peanuts, peanut products (including dust and oil) and tree nuts which can trigger life threatening emergencies. For this reason, we are a "PEANUT/NUT FREE" school. Our cafeteria does not serve any food with peanut or nut ingredients. We truly appreciate your assistance in helping your child to understand that foods containing peanuts or nuts are not allowed in school including:
Recess or A+ snacks. Please check the ingredients of pre-packed or homemade products.
Lunches, including peanut butter sandwiches
Class treats (for birthdays and other celebrations)
Although we encourage generosity, we discourage sharing or trading of snacks. An added benefit is that students will not be sharing germs and viruses which will help keep colds and flu's from spreading.
Please be aware of "cross-contamination" while preparing or handling foods at home that are sent to school, or sending children to school who have eaten peanut products at home.
Even a peanut/nut contaminated door knob or desk endanger students with these serious allergies.
The Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA)
The Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) requires our school to notify the faculty, staff and parents of the presence and status of asbestos containing materials in our school buildings. The law further requires a management plan based upon the findings of the initial inspection.
Momilani Elementary School was confirmed to be asbestos free in the 2016 re-inspection.
Storm Water Management Plan
Momilani Elementary plays a vital role in the State’s storm water management plan in keeping our streams and oceans clean and free of pollutants. When it rains, pollutants such as litter, pesticides and household chemicals wash down into streams and eventually end up in the ocean. This directly affects us all because we are surrounded by the ocean. The ocean is an essential part of our lives, whether it is for recreation or harvesting seafood. All schools are required to have a storm water management plan which includes regular inspection for blockages, public education and participation. The plan also includes construction site runoff control. Momilani Elementary has nine storm drains on campus; two of which are located in our front parking lot. Water flowing into the ocean through storm drains is not treated; therefore, we must be aware of trash and chemicals left near the drains that could easily wash down. When you see trash and other storm drain hazards, please kokua. Help us keep our school and environment clean and free of pollutants! Mahalo!
01ab Campus Water Pollution Prevention Program and School Newsletter (Consolidated)
01a1 Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Program (DOE)
01a2 About the City and County of Honolulu Storm Drain System (CC)
01a3 Protecting Water Quality from Urban Runoff (EPA)
02a1 Car Washing Guidelines (CC)
02a2 Only Rain In The Drain (Maze)
02a3 Storm Water Cross Word Puzzle
02a4 Storm Water Pollution Prevention-Home and Garden
02a5 Storm Water Pollution Prevention-Auto Maintenance
Parking Safety, No Parking Zones
As we look at areas of concern around our school it has come to our attention that illegal parking around campus is a problem. Please obey the 'No Parking' signs posted in the fire lane on Hooki'eki'e Street at the Pearl City High School exit gate.
Also there should also be no parking on the school side (mauka) of Hooki'eki'e Street between the crosswalk at the top of Ho'omoana Street and our exit drive way. Numerous signs are posted. Illegally parked cars and U-turns in these areas create a hazardous situation for others.
Remember that this is a school zone, and our ultimate goal is to provide a safe environment for our students. Thank you for your help and consideration in this matter.