Office Staff Members
Mrs. J. Tamura
Hello Everyone! My name is Ms. Tamura and I am the SASA of Momilani Elementary , If you don’t know what SASA means, Its School Administrative Service Assistant. In other words, I’m the School Secretary...Come visit me in the office if your ever around! I don’t bite.
Mrs. R. Yuen
Hi Everyone, I’m Mrs. Yuen, Office Assistant, and the voice on most of your phone messages. My duties include Kindergarten Registration and School Activities. I also have been coaching Pearl City High School Cheer Team for the past 15 years. I enjoy reading and spending time with my family.
Letters and Notices
Pearl City Complex Letter to Parents
February 27, 2019
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We are committed to safeguarding the physical and emotional well-being of our students. As such, we want to inform you of the latest series of online challenges targeting youth and teens called The Momo Challenge.
It is essentially "played" over a digital social media platform, where contact is initiated by searching for a phone number online and sending a message. The player then enters into a conversation that involves directions to complete challenges that can include self-harm and even suicide. There have been reports that bullies have been posing as Momo - a nightmarish character with bulging eyes and a chilling smile on platforms to bully others into harming themselves or others.

FBI Letter to Parents
February 22, 2019
The Honolulu Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), along with our partners at the Honolulu Police Department (HPD) and the State of Hawaii Department of Education (DOE) received information pertaining to multiple threats to students and faculty at Pearl City High School.
The FBI identified an individual responsible for the initial threat and determined that the threat was not credible and according to the subject, was intended to be a “joke”. The FBI further determined that the students and faculty of Pearl City High School were never in danger as a result of this hoax threat. Subsequent threats to the school were determined to be copycat threats based on the initial threat which has been discredited.

Superintendent Letter to Parents
Dear HIDOE families and guardians:
Our schools play an integral role in each of our communities. That is why when threats are made against our schools, we all feel the effects.
The Department takes all threats seriously. Immediate and swift action is taken to ensure that our campuses are safe and nurturing learning environments for students and staff.
In the past two days, individuals have inappropriately used social media to post threats to our schools. This is not how we care for community in Hawaii, and I want to reassure you that we are working closely with law enforcement agencies to investigate these incidents.

Pearl City Complex Letter to Parents
Aloha Parents and Guardians,
As you may have heard, Pearl City High and Highlands Intermediate were made aware this morning of threats to their campus on social media. Law enforcement was contacted immediately and is working closely with the Complex and impacted schools.
We ask that you please check your email or visit our website to view a parent letter from Complex Area Superintendent Keith Hui regarding this situation. Mahalo.