
Technology at Momilani


As the Tech Lab evolves from year to year, the focus is always on creating an engaging learning environment where students are creators and not just consumers of technology. Throughout the year students will work individually, in partners, and in groups to better prepare them for a wide range of work environments. 

We will be working on skills in areas such as computer science, computer literacy, and engineering design. These skills will then be applied through project based learning experiences. Students are encouraged to be collaborative, creative, risk takers that are learning from mistakes while empowering them to develop perseverance.

"The number one benefit of information technology is that it empowers people to do what they want to do. It lets people be creative. It lets people be productive. It lets people learn things they didn't think they could learn before, and so in a sense it is all about potential." Steve Ballmer

Standards and Curriculum

At Momilani, technology is integrated throughout the school day and across all content areas in K-6. Students in grades K-2 will receive instruction in the classroom, while grades 3-6 will have visit the lab once a week. Our program uses standards from the newly adopted Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) Standards.

It is also important for us to provide students with opportunities to grow in areas such as creativity, problem solving, and perseverance.

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Meet the Team

Mr. Masaru Uchino

Mr. Uchino

Momilani Multimedia Specialist

Mr. Uchino was born and raised in Southern California, where he received his Bachelors of Arts Degree in Social Studies with a Minor in Educational Studies from the University of California at Irvine.  After working full time in the service industry as a manager, and for a Japanese automotive parts manufacturer for a number of years, he returned to the California State University at Fullerton for an Elementary Education Teaching Credential. 

In 2007, Mr. Uchino moved to Hawaii to live closer to his parents who relocated from California a few years earlier.  Mr. Uchino began teaching at Momilani that same year in the Third Grade classroom. To further his educational credentials as a beginning teacher, Mr. Uchino received his Masters of Education Degree in Educational Technology from the University of Hawaii at Manoa. 

In 2019, Mr. Uchino transitioned from the Grade 3 classroom to become the Momilani Multimedia Specialist, who will be assisting with the technology integration into the classrooms at Momilani.  

As a "coach," Mr. Uchino can be found after school coaching students in running drills with his dedicated Fit Factory members during their weekly meetings. Mr. Uchino has a passion for learning and believes that everyone has the potential to become lifelong learners.