

Physical Education at Momilani

We work to instill the lifelong values and habits of active an lifestyles for our students. To help with this we have been working with K-6 teachers use the SPARK curriculum and work towards meeting the content standards in physical education. We also use the Fitnessgram program to help assess the students fitness levels. Students are introduced to the five events in K-2 and are tested in grades 2-6 on a quarterly basis. The tests focus more on fitness and less on skills. Through proper form and pacing, students will work on areas such as strength, endurance, and flexibility. Students receive a Fitnessgram report after each testing session that they can show their family.

Another programs that are being used at Momilani include Speed Stacking. Speed Stacking benefits students in many ways including; hand-eye coordination, improved concentration and focus, as well as increasing self-confidence.

As part of our wellness program, we also try to promote participation in many community activities such as the Keiki Run, Great Aloha Run, the Ford Island Bridge Run, and the Honolulu 5k for Kids.

Students in the Fit Factory running at the Great Aloha Run
Students during the Spring Olympics performing drills
Students at Bike Ed getting ready for their lesson
Students at Basketball Intramural Tournament during a game

Health Education at Momilani

This year we continue to encourage our families to visit the Momilani Nutrition Guidelines and select snacks that will keep our keiki healthy! The students submitted snack list that meet our wellness guidelines have been provided so that we can provide a wider range of options for our families.

School sponsored events and fundraising have also been working to meet the wellness guidelines when they provide food and snacks. These snacks and the guidelines help Momilani be more conscious about the type of nutrition we provide.

"The percentage of children aged 6–11 years in the United States who were obese increased from 7% in 1980 to nearly 18% in 2012. Similarly, the percentage of adolescents aged 12–19 years who were obese increased from 5% to nearly 21% over the same period." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Character Education at Momilani

Student picking up trash on campus

Be Safe

Students at field trip to the zoo

Be Respectful

Student taking notes during a science lesson

Be Responsible

Student working with Reading Buddy during an event

Be Complete

Aloha Parents and Students,

As we increase the “Formative Five” Character traits into Momilani’s everyday school culture, our daily language, our daily lessons, and our daily actions, students are steadily metamorphosing and displaying skills which acknowledge the growth of one’s social and emotional learning.  

Another significant contributor towards great character are the heroes at home.    Parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles, and other adults within your home/community who demonstrate a “positive” impact on the children are “heroes.”  They strengthen the foundation of great citizenship, act as role models, show generosity, and more simply put...allow the children to see how we should live “Aloha.”

Because “Aloha” has such a dynamic and powerful influence on our culture, students are learning by example the true meaning of kindness and caring.  We compliment you at home (parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles) for your efforts as well as your neighbors (friends, role models, etc.), providing the foundational work at home and reinforced within our Momilani family at school.  

As part of another effort to reinforce great character in our students, an initiative was launched in January 2018.  It was not discussed with our students as I wanted a sample of genuine student heroes that performed nice things for other people and for our school.  Our faculty and staff were informed of my idea to recognize students whom they noticed doing awesome things without being told.  For example; students picking up rubbish (not their own), helping another student without being told, students doing nice and kind things for others from their hearts, and other “Purposeful Acts.”

Without going into detail, students who were recognized were “small kine” rewarded and surprised that we took notice of their genuine and purposeful acts. We are ready to introduce that new program called the “Purposeful Acts: Aloha Edition” to our students and would like to present it to them so they are aware of our school-wide desire to increase more behaviors of: Empathy, Self-Control, Integrity, Embracing Diversity, Grit, and Aloha.

Momilani now introduces, “Purposeful Acts” as a school focus towards a caring and responsive community of people.  There are so many examples to describe a “Purposeful Act” but essentially you are doing something for someone from the goodness of your heart!  As you watch parents, grandparents, neighbors, heroes, etc. you learn wonderful habits that will enable others to be supported, cared about, valued, appreciated, loved, and much more.  Individuals who carry out “Purposeful Acts” do so not for any rewards, nor for recognition, but just because!  On behalf of those who do give, I know there’s a satisfaction that you were able to fulfill another person’s  needs  and perhaps you were able to help that person through a difficult moment or time of struggle which they were experiencing.  Momilani’s “Purposeful Act” program could be for some an invaluable source of assistance necessary to get someone through the day or perhaps just make that person’s day a special one through the gift of “Aloha.”  As we share more and pour more unto others, we will be passing on a life lesson of the heart,  something worth multiplying, something worth teaching and surely something worth reinforcing to our students at Momilani. 

We as a school community...teachers, staff, parents, students, and others will be recognizing the many thoughtful individuals who carry out “Purposeful Acts” on our school campus.  A cool incentive program has been designed to inspire genuine and sincere behaviors that come from the heart which are indeed “Purposeful Acts.”  Mahalo to all of you who meet and exceed the expectations of the Formative Five Character traits and show a caring towards our school community.  We thank you and commend you by upgrading to the “Purposeful Acts” Aloha Edition.  Stay tuned for more updates.

Mr. Nishihara, Counselor     

Just a small “Purposeful Act” can lead to a profound multiplication and meaningful impact on others.  Mr. Nish

Meet the Team

Mr. Lance Nishihara

Mr. Nishihara


Mr. Nishihara started his school counseling career in 1989,  With a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology (Chaminade University of Hawaii), he was split between 2 elementary schools in the Leeward District, serving both schools half-time.  With Momilani Elementary School being one of the smallest, a full-time counselor position was not warranted until parents and students turned to the Legislature and lobbied for a full-time counselor position.

After receiving his tenure, “Mr. Nish” selected Momilani as his “full-time” school of employment and has been at Momilani ever since.  He now has the privilege of serving parents who acted as student leaders lobbying for a full-time counselor position during the early 1990’s.  Also, “Mr. Nish” recognizes other parents who were former students...their names too! So don’t think you can hide from him even though you’re a little taller...maybe a lot!  He remembers who you are! 

With the same focus back in the day, Mr. Nish said he still carries out Momilani’s old motto, “Quality Education in a Caring and Safe Environment”  with tweaks for today.  

Mr. Nish enjoys surfing when he has time and continues to hand shape, glass, and sand surfboards.  He has many other hobbies but the newest one is training their baby...a Sable Border Collie.