
Teacher Portal

Emergency Drill Check in for Teachers

Emergency Drill Check-In Form - Staff Only

Momilani Staff members will use this Google Form during Emergency Drills to check in their attendance and room status. 

Infinite Campus Login Logo

Infinite Campus

This program offers more core functionality than any other system. We help districts efficiently serve students and communicate instantly with their stakeholders.


Ready Classroom Login Logo

Ready Common Core Teacher Toolbox

The Teacher Toolbox provides immediate access to all grade levels of Ready® instructional resources (grades K-8 in Reading/Math and grades 2-5 in Writing). Because the Toolbox is organized by standard, teachers can easily focus on particular skills that students may have not mastered; it’s the perfect solution for differentiating instruction.

Online Wordly  Wise Login Logo

Wordly Wise 3000® Online: Teacher Login

Wordly Wise 3000® Online: Direct academic vocabulary instruction— developing the critical link between vocabulary and reading comprehension


Hawaii State Testing Portal Login Logo

Aloha HSAP Login

This is the official site for the Hawai‘i Smarter Balanced Assessments, the Hawaii State Alternate Assessments, the Hawaii State Science Assessments, the Hawai‘i End-of-Course Exams, and the Kaiapuni Assessment of Educational Outcomes.

Smarter Balanced Interim Test Login Logo

Smarter Balanced Assessment Interim Test

Use this link to log into the Smarter Balanced Interim Test for ELA, Math, and Science (5th Grade).  This link will only be active when your teacher has opened an active Interim Test Session.  (Internet Browser: Google Chrome or Firefox only)


Kahoot Online Quiz Login Logo


A Kahoot is a learning game created on the Kahoot! platform, which consists of multiple choice questions - as a quiz, discussion or survey - in any topic, language or ability.

Professional Development

HIDOE Microsoft My Apps Page

T-SEAS SmartFind Express

Hawaii Teacher Licensing Login Logo

Hawaii Teacher Standards Board

Hawaii Department of Education Logo

Hawaii Department of Education Homepage

Student Support System Login Logo