About Us
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Where are you located?
2130 Hookiekie Street, Pearl City, HI 96782
Q: Is there parking available at the school?
Please use the school's parking stalls if you plan to leave your car or need to wait for any length of time.
Do not park in front of the Administration Office as you may impede others who wish to drop off/pick up students. You may also use the mauka side of Hookiekie Street to drop off or pick up only.
Do not park in the fire lane (turnaround on Hookiekie Street). This is a tow-away zone.
All vehicles should enter the school grounds from the shared driveway/road leading to Pearl City High School. Anticipate some delays due to traffic congestion before and after school.
Exercise caution, follow street signs, and be aware of children when driving near or on the school campus. Safety for our children is our goal.
Q: What are the school hours?
Monday-Thursday 7:50 A.M. – 2:00 P.M.; Friday 7:50 A.M. – 1:15 P.M.
Students arriving after 7:50 a.m. should report to the office for a tardy slip before going to class.
Before School: Students should not be left unattended on campus before 7:30 a.m. or after school hours. Adult supervision begins at 7:30 a.m.
After School: Students not attending A+ should be picked up promptly or walk home immediately after school.
Q: If my student will be absent, what is the process?
Parent/Guardian notify the office in the morning with student name, grade, teacher, room number, reason for absence, and if you want to request homework.
Homework will be ready for pickup by 2:00 p.m. (1:15 p.m. on Fridays).
Every school day is important for your child's education.
Please plan vacations according to the school calendar as these are considered unexcused absences.
Q: How can I send a message to my student?
ONLY EMERGENCY messages will be delivered to students.
Please make arrangements with your child for after school pick up PRIOR to coming to school.
Q: How do I request an early release for my student?
Parent/Guardian notify your child's teacher or call the office ahead of time if you need to take your child(ren) out of school before the end of the day. A Student Pass will be prepared.
Parent or parent designee must always report to the office to sign the child(ren) out. Your child(ren) will be called to meet you in the office.
Please do not go to the classroom get your child.
Q: What medications can the school give to my child?
No medication will be stored in school with the exception of those medications given
regularly and EpiPen, glucagon and emergency inhalers.
Medications for daily, routine, and/or life threatening conditions may be administered
during the school day. Medications should be given at home as much as possible unless
there are reasons, provided by the physician, why it must be given during the school day.
Antibiotics, analgesics and over the counter medications will not be administered at school.
No "as needed" pro re nata (PRN) medications will be administered during the school day.
No medication will be administered by the authorized DOE personnel without the completion for this form, SH 36, May 2012, and prior reviw by an authorized Department of Public Health Nurse (PHN)
If you would like to request to store your child's emergency rescue medications ( EpiPen, Glucagon and emergency inhalers) or daily, routine, scheduled medications, please contact health room for more detail.
Q: What extra-curricular activities are available?
Please see our page on After School Programs, or for further information please call (808) 307-5800.
Q: Can I bring in cupcakes/snacks for my child's birthday?
We discourage students from eating foods that do not meet the Wellness Guidelines.
Momilani Elementary is a Peanut/Nut FREE school. Our cafeteria does not serve any food with peanut or nut ingredients. We appreciate your assistance in helping your child understand that foods containing peanuts or nuts are not allowed in school.
Q: When will the school calendar for the next school year be available?
The Department of Education releases the next school year calendar in March or April.
Q: What is the required age for students entering Kindergarten at Momilani?
Children who are 5 years old by July 31 enroll in Kindergarten for that school year.
For example, children who are 5 years old by July 31, 2014 enroll in kindergarten for the 2014-15 school year. Children who turn 5 on August 1 or later enroll the following school year.
Visit the Department of Education Site for further information.
Q: How do I know if I live in the geographic area for Momilani?
Please click to see the Geographic Area map.
Under the map you will also find a detailed list of streets that fall into the geographic area.
Q: What is the Geographic Exception (GE) process?
Please click to see the Hawaii Department of Education Geographic Exemption Process.
Geographic Exceptions are granted on a space available basis.