Momilani Elementary School

Where students are caring, responsible, and self-directed learners who positively contribute to society.

Weekly Announcements

2024-2025 Hawaii DOE Official School Calendar

2024-2025 HIDOE Official School Calendar.pdf

Please click on the small arrow in the top corner to open this document in a new window. 

2024-2025 Momilani Official School Calendar

2024-2025 Momilani Official School Calendar.pdf

Please click on the small arrow in the top corner to open this document in a new window. 

Momilani Elementary School 2024-2025 School Supply List

July 1, 2024

Aloha Momilani 'Ohana,

We hope you all are enjoying your summer break and are thinking about what to do to prepare for the upcoming school year. 

In order to help you prepare for the new school year, please see the attached School Supply List for rhis year's suppplies.

We hope that you all will enjoy the rest of your summer break, and we look forward to seeing you all in August! 

With Aloha,

The Momilani Staff

Momilani 24-25 School Supply List.pdf

Please click on the small arrow in the top corner to open this document in a new window. 

24-25 Updated Momilani Attendance Policies

Aloha Momilani 'Ohana,

Our school administration has reviewed and updated our school's attendance policy.  Please review the documents below to view the updated policies.

Please note that maintaining consistent attendance is critical for ensuring that each students receives the best possible education at school.  We truly appreciate your support and understanding for the importance of ensuring that every child misses as few days of school as possible.

If you have any questions regarding the updated policies, please contact our administration or office staff.

Mahalo again for your support as we near the end of another great school year.  


The Momilani Staff

Momilani Attendance Policy

Momilani Updated Attendance Policy SY 2023-2024.pdf

Please click on the arrow button in the corner to view the document.

Momilani Attendance Procedures

Momilani Elementary School Attendance Procedures.docx

Please click on the arrow button in the corner to view the document.

Momilani Extended Absence Notification

Momilani Elementary School Extended Absence Notification.docx

Please click on the arrow button in the corner to view the document.

Choose Love & SEL UPdates

Choose Love Movement Logo

Aloha Momilani 'Ohana!  We're excited to introduce the Choose Love (Choose Aloha) Movement at Momilani Elementary School!

Choose Love For Schools™ teaches skills and concepts that are grounded in and support Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), addressing the 5 Core Competencies as defined by CASEL (Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills, and Responsible Decision-Making Skills). SEL has decades of research validating its tremendous and positive impact on students' social and emotional well-being as well as on academic and personal success.

For more detailed information and classroom examples of the Choose Love Movement in and around the Momilani campus, please check out the Choose Love page on our website.  Check back often to this section of the website for updates about our school's Social Emotional Learning Curriculum using the Choose Love Movement.

Click Here to go to the Choose Love Page

Media Club Student Articles

2024 Visitor Industry Charity Walk

Article Written by: Darienne P. and Colin HM.

On Saturday, May 4, 2024 there was a charity walk in Waikiki. Some families and students from Momilani walked 5.25 miles during the  walk and ate food at each checkpoint along the route. One checkpoint had ice pops. One flavor of the ice pops was ube, and the other was li hing mui. Another checkpoint had ice cream and banana bread. The last checkpoint had a frame and when you passed under it, it sprayed water on you that felt really refreshing.

Did you know that the Charity Walk raised over $40 million dollars and helped hundreds of local charities throughout the state? If you want to take part in raising money for local charities you should do the charity walk next year. Anybody can participate!

Mrs. Cabatingan, who is the person who is in charge of organizing the Charity Walkers from Momilani said, “I like doing the walk because it gives me an opportunity to meet new families from Momilani. I like being able to talk with the other parents. Normally school events are too busy and everyone just keeps to themselves. My son had fun being able to interact and have fun with his schoolmates outside of school. It is also a great exposure for the school. It also provides us with great funding for the school that benefits all the Momilani families.”  Thank you for sharing Mrs. Cabatingan! 

Here is what student Lauren C. had to say about the event, “ My favorite part was when we were chanting out loud for Momilani.”

The entire charity walk was super fun! It made us really happy that just by walking, you could help raise money for Momilani Elementary. Participating in a charity walk brings people together. Also it helps the principal get money to help pay for things like buses for field trips, different events, and school supplies. 

Royal Hawaiian Band Performance

Article Written By: Sophia Marie K., Herbi A., & Grace S.

On April 18, 2024, Momilani was rewarded with a performance of singing, dancing, and instrumental music presented by the Royal Hawaiian Band. 

We were so happy that the Royal Hawaiian Band came to Momilani Elementary. Their amazing talents and music stunned the whole school by surprise! They played songs like Encanto and Baby Shark that the crowd loved! 

Here is what Vice Principal, Mrs. Sesepasara-Williams has to say! "The Royal Hawaiian Band put on an amazing performance for our Momilani students. They not only provided us with wonderful music but also taught our students and staff about the different instruments that were being played and the history of the songs they played. I loved how they engaged our students through singing and clapping. It was such a great sight to see all the students so engaged. The hula performance and the singing were also a wonderful addition to the band. It was such a great experience for all our students and staff. We are truly grateful to the Royal Hawaiian Band for performing at Momilani." Thank you for sharing Mrs. Sesepasara-Williams!

Having the Royal Hawaiian Band come was such a great visit for us! The Royal Hawaiian Band was started by King Kamehameha lll back in 1863 and had been performing for 180 years! Their mission of the band is to promote and foster music, preserve the Hawaiian musical culture, inspire young musicians, and enrich the lives of the people of Hawai‘i to interest us in the world of music which is why they came to our school to teach us these things. 

Sixth Grader Cayla Y. also shares a few words stating, “The Royal Hawaiian Band was fascinating, the music made me super relaxed and I wanted it to go on forever. It was a breathtaking performance and I wish I could see it again so I was super grateful to be experiencing it in person.”

We are very grateful to have the Royal Hawaiian band perform a beautiful production for us.

Momilani students enjoying the train song performed by the band
Momilani students conducting the Royal Hawaiian Band
Royal Hawaiian Band Hula Performance

2024 Grade K Drama Performance - Biomes: Plants and Animals in Their Habitat

Written By:  Sophia K., Katelynn S., & Arianny M.

On April 2, 2024, the kindergarten class performed Biomes: Animals and Plants in Their Habitat, their first ever drama performance!

The Momilani Kindergarteners performed Biomes, which is about how different species of animals escaped from the zoo to find their biome. Sure, these animal heroes are cute, but looks aren’t everything in a world of distinct and tough environments. To survive (and be able to sing all their catchy songs), they’ll have to learn about desert, forest, grassland, freshwater, tundra, and marine areas for which they are especially adapted.  Jersaia S. wants to share more about his character, so here he is! “I had a really good time because I was a cobra and they are cool!” Amazing job Jersaia! What a cute cobra you were. 

The reason for drama performances is to expose students to the arts of theater. It also helps students find what they are good at. Want to know more about why the arts of theater are so amazing! These productions would not be possible without our great school staff, parents, students, and the AMAZING Ms. Winpenny. Thank you for all of your support!

Biomes are a great complement to these students' life science curriculum and a fabulous way for students to learn about animal and plant habitats. This show can be used to improve reading, vocabulary, reading comprehension, performance and music skills, class camaraderie and teamwork, and numerous social skills. All while enabling these Kindergarteners to be part of a truly fun and creative experience they will never forget! Kindergarten Kylie M. would like to share her experience of her very first drama performance. “It was really fun because I danced a lot and sang a lot, but I was nervous to perform in front of the whole school.”  Good job Kylie, you did amazing!

Kindergarten did amazing for their first drama performance. Good job, Kindergarten! 

School Wide Field Trip with Sustainable Coastlines Hawaii

Article Written By: Herbi A., Sasha H.S. and Colbie H.

Have you ever dreamed about going on a field trip with your siblings and friends? Well now you can because Momilani Elementary has gone on a school wide field trip. On March 11th 2024, Momilani Elementary School students had a school wide field trip to the beach! 

We helped a volunteer group called the “Sustainable Coastlines Hawaii” and as a school, we all helped make our home and our beaches a better and cleaner place! We go on these field trips to ONE, bond and TWO, clean the beach 400 times faster. 

We are thankful that our principal Mr.Arakawa has given us an opportunity to make our "Moku" (land division) on our island a better place by helping out with cleaning. We did so many fun activities and helped clean the beaches. We even have some inspiring words from our handsome Principal Mr. Arakawa and our spectacular art teacher Mrs. Lee. 

Mr. Arakawa said, “I think it was a great opportunity to help with the issue concerning our world today and I am happy our students could come together to remove microplastics from the beach.  Hopefully our students can leave Momilani with disposition and commitment to help others. ”

Mrs. Lee said, “It was special getting to see the whole school come together to have fun and take care of our coastlines!”

We all should work together when problems like these come into our world and we all should show compassion for our planet and keep it safe even though the problem is big or small we should always come together and show love to one another being able to help our community. 

2024 Grade 3 Drama Performance - The Environmental Show 

Article Written by:  Arianny M., Nathan S., & Samson P.

On Thursday, February 22, 2024. Our Momilani 3rd graders have performed their drama performance titled “The Environmental Show”. They have amazed everyone with their hardworking play!

The Environmental Show was about three kids called the energy wasters in which they started littering in the forest and elsewhere. This made the trash and litter come to life to show them a lesson. So, the energy wasters go through a series of scenes on learning how to prevent and save the environment from trash and waste. The performance was really fun and educational and there were a lot of cool characters and costumes such as the refrigerators, the cars, the bananas, water bottles, and so much more! But, there was one particular group that stood out the most, was the R group. This group played an important role in the story as they represented reduce, reuse, and recycle!

Akemi Valenzona, one of the performers from the third grade, said “I think my drama performance was good because we had so much fun putting drama costumes on.” One of the sixth graders in the audience, Amaziah Williams, said “I thought it was really inspirational on how to help the environment”.

After all that has been said and done, I think that the third graders did an amazing job this year! And we are really looking forward to seeing what the other grade who haven’t performed yet can do!

Grade 3 students rocking out on stage during their performance
Grade 3 students singing about saving our environment
Grade 3 students singing about recycling, reducing, and repurposing

Grade 4 Grandparents Day Luncheon

Article Written by: Colbie H.

Assisted by: Brooklyn M. and Brianna A.

Do you love your grandparents? Well, at Momilani Elementary School every grade gets a chance to have a grandparents day. This time of year it is 4th grade’s turn, and during this grandparents day the 4th graders ate lunch with their loved ones.

On February 28, 2024, the 4th graders had lunch with their grandparents at the Momilani Cafeteria. Every grade gets a chance to do a grandparents day at different times of the year. They each eat with their grandparents while Mr. Rabacal, our music teacher, plays songs. Later, the children get called to come on stage.

When the 4th graders went on stage they sang Wind Beneath My Wings & One Love. “It was a great opportunity to show appreciation to our grandparents,” said Savannah.

In Conclusion, you should always appreciate your grandparents, because they will not always be around to help you or spoil you. You should use every chance you get to show appreciation and love.

News & Notices Portal (Archives of Past Articles)

Archive Links: The links below will take you to the pages on the Momilani Website for the archives of past news updates, bulletins, and notices.  

New Updates
Department of Education Logo
Notices from the Momilani Office
Notices from our Momilani Ohana

Health Care Corner

Please check here often for updates, notices, and flyers from the Hawaii Dept of Ed for any updated information regarding COVID-19 and other health requirements for the school year.  You can also visit the HIDOE website for more up-to-date information:  Hawaii Dept of Ed COVID-19 Updates

SY 2023-2024 Departmen of Health - Isolation and Exposure Guidance for K-12 Schools


Please click on the arrow in the upper right corner to view the file.


Please click on the arrow in the upper right corner to view the file.

Notice of 7th Grade Health Requirements

Prepare your child for 7th grade.pdf

Please click on the arrow in the upper right corner to view the file.

Prepare for 7th Grade - Get Vaccinated

Notice of 7th grade school health requirements.pdf

Please click on the arrow in the upper right corner to view the file.

HI Dept of Ed Health Hotline

HIDOE Telehealth Hotline.pdf

Please click on the arrow in the upper right corner to view the file.

2023 Daily Wellness Check

2022 Return to School Work and Daily Wellness Check.pdf

Please click on the arrow in the upper right corner to view the file.

Annual Legal Notices

Annual Notice of Non-Discrimination and its translations 

Please click on the following link to be taken to the Annual Notice of Non-Discrimination and its translations

Please click on the small arrow box on the corner to open the document in a new window.

Exhibit A and B - Annual Notice of Non-Discrimination and Anti Harassment_ Statement.pdf

HIDOE Equity Specialist Contact

You may also contact this person for questions or concerns relating to non-discrimination and anti-harassment at your school:  Shari Dela Cuadra, Equity Specialist, Phone: (808) 629-9114

Mailing Address: 601 Kamokila Boulevard Room 588, Kapolei, HI 96707

Notice of Language Assistance

If you have difficulty understanding English, you have the right to receive language assistance at no cost to you. Please see the attached documents for more information.

Please click on the small arrow box on the corner to open the document in a new window.

Attachment 1_Notice_Language_Assistance.pdf

Continuous Notice of Non-Discrimination

The Hawaii State Department of Education (HIDOE) and its schools do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, age, disability, and religion. Please direct inquiries regarding HIDOE non-discrimination policies as follows:

Civil Rights Compliance Branch, Hawaii State Department of Education, P.O. Box 2360 Honolulu, HI 96804 

Phone: 808-586-3322