Momilani Elementary School
Where students are caring, responsible, and self-directed learners who positively contribute to society.
Weekly Announcements
2024 HIDOE Visitor Code of Conduct
Nov. 7, 2024
Aloha Momilani 'Ohana,
The Hawaii State Department of Education (HIDOE) is committed to fostering an environment that reflects the spirit of Living Aloha, a culture of respect, cooperation, and mutual support. In collaboration with the Attorney General's office, the department has established the Visitor Code of Conduct to ensure that interactions with all department employees and the public are conducted in a safe and respectful manner. The Visitor Code of Conduct outlines clear expectations for visitor behavior, including respectful communication, adherence to personal and professional boundaries, and compliance with school policies and legal requirements.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our school office.
Mahalo for your support.
The Momilani Staff

2024 HIDOE Visitor Code of Conduct Flyer
Nov. 7, 2024
Aloha Momilani 'Ohana,
Please review the flyer below which summarizes the HIDOE Visitor Code of Conduct and encourages positive behavior and interactions between HIDOE employees and visitors to Momilani Elementary School.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our school office.
Mahalo for your support.
The Momilani Staff

24-25 Updated Momilani Attendance Policies
Aloha Momilani 'Ohana,
Our school administration has reviewed and updated our school's attendance policy. Please review the documents below to view the updated policies.
Please note that maintaining consistent attendance is critical for ensuring that each students receives the best possible education at school. We truly appreciate your support and understanding for the importance of ensuring that every child misses as few days of school as possible.
If you have any questions regarding the updated policies, please contact our administration or office staff.
Mahalo again for your support as we near the end of another great school year.
The Momilani Staff
Momilani Attendance Policy

Please click on the arrow button in the corner to view the document.
Momilani Attendance Procedures

Please click on the arrow button in the corner to view the document.
Momilani Extended Absence Notification

Please click on the arrow button in the corner to view the document.
Choose Love & SEL UPdates
Aloha Momilani 'Ohana! We're excited to introduce the Choose Love (Choose Aloha) Movement at Momilani Elementary School!
Choose Love For Schools™ teaches skills and concepts that are grounded in and support Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), addressing the 5 Core Competencies as defined by CASEL (Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills, and Responsible Decision-Making Skills). SEL has decades of research validating its tremendous and positive impact on students' social and emotional well-being as well as on academic and personal success.
For more detailed information and classroom examples of the Choose Love Movement in and around the Momilani campus, please check out the Choose Love page on our website. Check back often to this section of the website for updates about our school's Social Emotional Learning Curriculum using the Choose Love Movement.
Media Club Student Articles
Grade K Grandparents Day Luncheon - Dec. 2024
Posted: Jan. 6, 2025
Article & Photos by: Lexi A., Mikayla S., Mariko L.
Having your first Grandparent’s Day performance at Momilani might’ve been very exciting! That is what our Kindergarteners got to experience for the first time on December 11th, 2024. Putting on a show for their beloved ones, it was an enjoyable memory for the children to make.
The theme of this day gave lots of Christmas Spirit, and Ms. Keli also prepared little Christmas favors for our guests. After Mr. Rabacal had carried out his cheerful songs to entertain people for the wait, the Kindergarteners happily bonded with their families and made a spectacular performance. Additionally, it was great to see the cafeteria entirely filled. Even some of the Preschool families decided to join in to watch this special event!
Practicing and working for their beloved ones, the Kindergarteners sang unforgettable tunes to express their appreciation inside the Momilani Cafeteria. The many famous songs that they sang were “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer,” “Santa Claus is Coming to Town,” “We Wish You a Merry Christmas,” and an additional four more. Great job Kindergartners for your hard work, it must’ve been a lot practicing many songs!
We hoped that everyone who chose to visit their beloved ones enjoyed the youngsters’ first day of gratitude here at this school. Truly getting together and enjoying each other's importance makes everyone’s Christmas the merriest of merry.
2024 Red Ribbon Week
Posted: Dec. 11, 2024
Article By: Aeva E-S and Grace E-S
Red Ribbon week is a national campaign to help remind kids everywhere to stop bullying and to stay drug free. Every year, the students at Momilani Elementary School participate in the Red Ribbon Week festivities by choosing a different clothing theme for each day of the week. The 2024 Red Ribbon Week was an awesome week for the students because of all of the different outfits that everyone wore throughout the week.
On Wednesday, October 23, 2024, when Red Ribbon Week officially started, everyone wore Momilani School t-shirts or other school club shirts to represent our school unity and pride. On Thursday, we had to wear our brightest outfit to be too bright for drugs and bullying. On Friday, students wore team jerseys. On Monday, October 28, 2024, to begin the second half of the Red Ribbon Week, students wore cozy pajamas. And lastly on Tuesday, October 29, 2024, everyone wore red shirts with our custom made Bully Free stickers to represent the closing of the Red Ribbon Week themes.
These members of the ambassadors club in Momilani Elementary would like to say a few words.
Grade 6 student Natsuki stated, “It was a fun experience, especially when I was able to help choose the categories for the Red Ribbon Week daily themes. Watching my friends participate while wearing extravagant clothes helped me to have a good spirit week.” Thank you Natsuki for sharing!
Grade 6 student Mikayla stated, “Seeing kids in our school participating was very enjoyable and I was especially glad to see many people go against bullying at our loving school.” Thank you Mikayla for sharing those words about our fun Red Ribbon Week!
We are grateful that the students at Momilani are able to experience Red Ribbon Week together, and we hope that these activities will stay in our minds and hearts forever. Thank you to everyone for your participation!
Wednesday - School Shirt Day
Thursday - Bright Shirt Day
Tuesday - Red Shirt Day
2024 Pearl City Complex Basketball Tournament
Posted: Dec. 11, 2024
Article by: Lexi A, Asher N, and Grace E-S
Every year, the Pearl City Complex Elementary Schools participate in an Intramural Basketball Tournament for the 5th and 6th Grade students. Momilani Elementary School has been competing in the tournament for many years and has given many students the chance to represent our school and experience the thrill of competing against other students.
The Momilani Basketball teams were coached by Mr. Gacula, who also leads the Momilani Hoops Academy. The 5th and 6th grade teachers also assisted Mr. Gacula in coaching the students after school. While they were playing school after school, our Complex Basketball team continued to exceed all expectations! Everyone of the teammates worked very hard and put their all into each of the schools they had played in the tournament!
Overall, the students performed really well in the tournament, even though they lost the semifinals. The students trained for weeks to build up to this moment. We're pretty sure that the parents of the Momilani competitors were very proud of all the students! During the tournament, Momilani's basketball teams played against Pearl City Highlands Elementary, Waiau Elementary, and they had a bye game against Lehua Elementary.
One of the 6th grade competitors, Keani would like to share, “The Basketball Tournament was stressful, but fun. At first we were losing but we thought positive and kept going. Next thing you know, we won. But, when we went up to the semifinals it was hard, but our coaches told us we can do it!” Thank you Keani for sharing how it was like being on the Complex Basketball team.
Another one of the competitors, Grade 5 student, Cruz, would like to share, “I’m just glad that our team worked together to make it to the semifinals.” Thank you Cruz for also sharing your experience at the game!
In conclusion, we think that the Momilani Elementary Basketball team had a great experience, and now know what they can do to do even better in the future! We hope that each school we faced had an amazing experience, and a great time there too.
2024 Grade 5 Drama Performance - Frankie Builds Androids
Posted: Dec. 2, 2024
Article by: Brooklyn M., Grace E-S., and Zoe L.
To kick off the Momilani Drama season this school year, we were able to enjoy a performance from the Grade 5 students. Their show was a Beat By Beat Production called, "Frankie Builds Androids" and was a great story that the whole school enjoyed.
Here is a short summary of what the drama performance of "Frankie Builds Androids" is all about.
A girl named Frankie always felt like she never belonged when she was at school. The students in her school all have clubs but Frankie felt different and wanted to start her own club. Frankie made a technology club related to working on computers and robot androids, but no one at her school was interested in joining her club.
Frankie had a friend named Avery and she told her something that she didn’t like, so she decided to avoid her. When Frankie saw other clubs, she wanted to start her own, but everyone just laughed at her. When they laughed at her, she had an idea to turn her classmates into androids.
Frankie used a shrink ray that her scientist mother built, and shrank all her classmates. She then made Android robot copies of the students to pretend they were her classmates. While Frankie was doing that, Avery was getting suspicious of her and wanted to know what was going on.
At the end Frankie, her friend, and her classmates came together to stop the androids from doing anymore trouble and and taking over the world. Frankie then realized that not everyone is going to like her or be like her, she just needs the friends she has now who are true friends.
Mr. Kashiwa, Grade 5 teacher stated, "The students did a great job and their hard work paid off.” Bryce, one of the Grade 5 students said, “The play was awesome!”
2024 Grade 1 Grandparents Day Luncheon - October 27, 2024
Posted: Dec. 2, 2024
Article by: Asher N, Cruz S, and Ava B.
Do you remember your second Grandparents Day Luncheon as First Graders performing for your grandparents? On October 27, 2024, the first graders had their grandparents day luncheon, and their theme was "A Beach Day in Hawaii."
The 1st grade Grandparents Day performance was excellent and truly memorable. The kids went down everyday to the cafeteria to practice their songs and motions for weeks. They worked really hard on their performance and the results showed that their hard work paid off.
Before their performance, Mr. Rabacal warmed up the crowd by singing, while the 1st graders were eating lunch with their beloved grandparents. The songs the kids sang were, "You’ll be in my Heart" by Phill Collins, and "Lava" by Kuana Torres Kahele. The 1st grade teachers Ms. Vo, Mrs. Hasegawa and Mrs. Hirata chose the two perfect songs for them to sing and we're sure that the grandparents loved their performance!
Mrs. Hasegawa, Grade 1 teacher said, “The 1st Graders did an excellent job and the grandparents were very moved by their singing and the necklace they made for them." Grade 1 teacher Mrs. Hirata said, "The first graders did an amazing job. They practiced really hard to get where they were. I’m sure the grandparents were amazed!"
After the performance, the first graders said goodbye, and all the grandparents were smiling about how fun and good this performance was. All the family members are sure to think that it was worth the while to come to the Grandparents Day Luncheon that day!
In conclusion, the students did an awesome and successful job at performing for their grandparents during the luncheon. We hope that every grade puts the same amount of effort, quality, and fun into their grandparents' performance in the future for their family!
News & Notices Portal (Archives of Past Articles)
Archive Links: The links below will take you to the pages on the Momilani Website for the archives of past news updates, bulletins, and notices.
Health Care Corner
Please check here often for updates, notices, and flyers from the Hawaii Dept of Ed for any updated information regarding COVID-19 and other health requirements for the school year. You can also visit the HIDOE website for more up-to-date information: Hawaii Dept of Ed COVID-19 Updates
Notice of 7th Grade Health Requirements

Please click on the arrow in the upper right corner to view the file.
Prepare for 7th Grade - Get Vaccinated

Please click on the arrow in the upper right corner to view the file.
HI Dept of Ed Health Hotline

Please click on the arrow in the upper right corner to view the file.
2024 Daily Wellness Check

Please click on the arrow in the upper right corner to view the file.
Annual Legal Notices
Annual Notice of Non-Discrimination and its translations
Please click on the following link to be taken to the Annual Notice of Non-Discrimination and its translations
Please click on the small arrow box on the corner to open the document in a new window.

HIDOE Equity Specialist Contact
You may also contact this person for questions or concerns relating to non-discrimination and anti-harassment at your school: Shari Dela Cuadra, Equity Specialist, Phone: (808) 629-9114
Mailing Address: 601 Kamokila Boulevard Room 588, Kapolei, HI 96707
Notice of Language Assistance
If you have difficulty understanding English, you have the right to receive language assistance at no cost to you. Please see the attached documents for more information.
Please click on the small arrow box on the corner to open the document in a new window.

Continuous Notice of Non-Discrimination
The Hawaii State Department of Education (HIDOE) and its schools do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, age, disability, and religion. Please direct inquiries regarding HIDOE non-discrimination policies as follows:
Civil Rights Compliance Branch, Hawaii State Department of Education, P.O. Box 2360 Honolulu, HI 96804
Phone: 808-586-3322